Board Goals for 2023-2024
- The Rahway Board of Education will transition its policy manual from New Jersey School Boards Association to Strauss Esmay to ensure a complete policy review and effective changes.
- The Board will engage in professional development opportunities including training with NJSBA, book group discussions exploring topics relevant to educational theory and practice, and retreats to review the district’s academic achievement and progress toward the district goals.
- The Board will streamline its communication between and among its members through tech-based training, exploration of paperless meetings and communication, and utilization of technological tools and devices to enhance efficiency.
- The Board will actively engage with community stakeholders, parents, and teachers by providing opportunities to join committees.
- The Board will continue to support the school district and will work together to establish standardized language among its schools, which will feature community input on programs that seek to bridge the achievement gap and promote educational equity.