Board of Education Committees
Finance/Facilities: (bi-monthly)
Athletics, Budget, Buildings & Grounds, Relevant Policies, Safety & Security, Transportation
Timothy Antisz*
Bernie Robson
Carlos Garay
Alt.: Laura Giacobbe
Community Relations: (monthly)
City Council, Relevant Policies, Creative Arts, Legislative Affairs, School Board Assn. (state, county, urban)
Laura Giacobbe*
Carlos Garay
Timothy Antisz
Alt.: Bernie Robson
Education/Curriculum: (1st Thursday @ 6pm)
Curriculum/Textbooks, Student Relations, Relevant Policies
Joseph Toma*
Shanna Raysick
Najah Allen
Alt.: Jennifer Moteiro
Technology: (every other month)
Website, 1:1, Relevant Policies
Jennifer Moteiro*
Laura Giacobbe
Carlos Garay
Alt.: Timothy Antisz
Personnel: (bi-monthly)
Affirmative Action, Employee Relations, Negotiations, Relevant Policies
Shanna Raysick*
Najah Allen
Sean White
Alt.: Jennifer Moteiro
Policy: (Monthly)
Review, Change and Develop District-Wide Board Policies
Sean White*
Shanna Raysick
Jennifer Moteiro
Alt.: Najah Allen
Student Judiciary:
Parent/Student System of Due Process
Najah Allen *
Shanna Raysick
Referendum: (Ad Hoc)
Construction Project Review
Bernie Robson *
Sean White
*Denotes Chairperson
Board of Education Liaisons & Assignments
Academy: Bernie Robson
ACE: Laura Giacobbe/Najah Allen
Cleveland: Sean White
Franklin: Carlos Garay
High School: Najah Allen/Laura Giacobbe
Madison: Shanna Raysick
Pre-K: Jennifer Moteiro
Roosevelt: Timothy Antisz
Affirmative Action: Shanna Raysick
City Council: Najah Allen
State Board: (Del.) Bernie Robson
State Board: (Alt.) Joseph Toma
County Board: (Del.) Joseph Toma
County Board: (Alt.) Bernie Robson
UCESC: Jennifer Moteiro
Great Schools NJ: Najah Allen