District Vision, Mission, and Goals

During our BOE meeting on Tuesday, August 22nd, our district’s Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals were adopted. Please see below:

Vision Statement

Rahway Public Schools: A community built on diversity, learning, and leadership


Mission Statement

With diversity, equity, and inclusion as our strength, the Rahway Public School community shall implement culturally sustaining, student-centered programs to address the unique needs of all students. Students are empowered to take ownership of their learning in order to become successful global citizens who are inspired to achieve their highest potential.


District Strategic Goals

Rigorous, Culturally Sustaining, Student-Centered Academic Programs

During the 2023-2024 SY, the district’s focus will be on improving student achievement as evidenced by an increase in proficiency of 5-10% in ELA and Math as measured by district and state assessments.

Administrators will schedule and conduct learning walks throughout the district in order to examine best practices such as the implementation of the 3-part lesson objective, the gradual release model, and student engagement to improve teaching and learning. Teachers will be provided with feedback based on a collection of informal and formal observations. Based on observable data, administrators will work with teachers to provide coaching, schedule colleague observations and create teacher teams focused on data analysis to improve instruction.

Safety and Wellness for Staff and Students

During the 2023-2024 SY, the district will train 100% of administrators in restorative practices. Administrators will work collaboratively to develop an action plan which will include training and coaching for staff in restorative practices, as well as developing systems and structures for its implementation in every school.

The district will focus on developing a positive climate and culture that prioritizes the safety and wellness of staff and students through safety and security training, team-building, counseling, school spirit, and community events.

Recruitment and Retention of Highly-Qualified, Diverse Staff

During the 2023-2024 SY, the district will implement systems and structures related to hiring practices. The district will aim to recruit highly qualified staff through various platforms such as CJ Pride and job fairs. Newly hired staff will receive professional development, mentorship, coaching, and support in their positions.

A System of Dynamic Learning Opportunities for All Staff 

During the 2023-2024 SY, all staff will have an opportunity to participate in professional development and Ed Camps. Topics will focus on social-emotional learning, restorative practices, gradual release, use of innovative technology and best practices(ELL/Bilingual, General, and Special Education), as well as using data to drive instruction. 

The district will create a Rahway leadership institute that will focus on the PSEL standards to develop teachers who are aspiring administrators. Staff will have the opportunity to attend sessions that will focus on the following areas: instructional leadership, culturally responsive pedagogy, the art of building relationships and coaching, climate and culture, organizational management, and innovative practices.

Community Relationships through Effective Communication

During the 2023-2024 SY, the district will improve communication with all stakeholders through weekly communications and forums. The assistant superintendent will hold PTA/PTO council meetings and parent forums, as well as attend community events. Topics will revolve around our district's strategic goals. This will be evidenced through PowerSchool Messenger, sign-in sheets, and an increase in social media presence